Full spectrum forest carbon development

Whether you are looking at integrating forest carbon in existing timber operations, seeking revenue to support land stewardship, or evaluating investment decisions, our flexible and scalable solutions can be tailored for your needs.

Carbon-integrated forestry

Optimize value and climate impact with confidence

Forest carbon projects create an additional revenue stream for forest landowners, land managers, and timber investors while enhancing the land value. Greenline Climate balances timber and carbon revenue streams in a way that works for our clients’ operations, financial objectives and land stewardship goals.

End-to-end forest carbon 
development services

We’re a seasoned team of biometricians, ecologists, and foresters who combine scientific precision and carbon-industry expertise to develop best-in-class forest carbon projects.

Full project
Monitoring reporting,
and verification
& sales
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Our project development model

We can combine the services relevant to your business for end-to-end project development, or break out specific processes for tailored support.


Our partnerships begin with a thorough exploration and mapping of potential carbon opportunities

Opportunity evaluation

A new service in forest carbon development, we can review all the acreage in a portfolio of holdings to identify carbon opportunities

Due diligence

We’ll delve into the details of a potential carbon project acquisition to make sure it’s a smart investment

Financial viability

Once we have a complete picture of the potential project, we conduct in-depth quantitative analysis to accurately define carbon and financial estimates


With project parameters in place, we assemble the necessary infrastructure to start generating carbon revenue


Enter the carbon market with zero upfront expenses via our project financing model, which only pays us a fee when projects are successful


We handle all the necessary paperwork, data collection, and analysis, leading to verification and issuance

Modeling and quantification

Our proprietary quantification and modeling systems ensure the project is high-integrity and meets rigorous standards required under verification


Our proprietary Aggregation approach enrolls multiple holdings into a single project, enhancing carbon returns and tapping otherwise stranded carbon assets


Once the project is up and running, we handle all ongoing operations — including marketing and selling your credits

Forest intelligence

Track fire risk, spot disturbances, and monitor conditions with insights derived from satellite data and geospatial mapping

Monitoring, reporting, 
and verification

We’re a long-term partner in managing the project with the ability to support the project for its entire lifespan

Marketing and sales

We draw on our industry expertise and relationships to turn your credits into revenue

Maximize your carbon potential

We’ll tap the unrealized carbon value in your portfolio.

Opportunity evaluation

Identify your portfolio’s carbon 
revenue potential

We draw on existing data about the land you own and manage—down to the stand level—to identify carbon project development opportunities across all of your holdings. Contact us to learn more.

Designed to support:

  • Timber Investment Management Organizations (TIMOs)
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Institutional investors

Rapid Carbon Valuation

Rapidly define, analyze, and validate the viability of each opportunity

Provide carbon financial insights for your asset valuations. Our proprietary models can quickly and accurately assess a given site’s suitability for carbon development and determine the project’s financial viability under multiple timber harvest scenarios. Contact us to learn more.

Designed to support:

  • Timber Investment Management Organizations (TIMOs)
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Financial institutions
  • Land managers

Introducing Greenline Climate’s innovative Aggregation program

Introducing Greenline Climate’s innovative Aggregation program

Unlock revenue with a carbon framework designed for flexibility

We go beyond the standard single-property project with a new aggregative approach that bundles multiple holdings into one larger development.

This approach captures the value of smaller stranded carbon assets and enables multiple parties to participate in a single project without risk.

This framework allows properties to be sold during the project’s lifetime with revenue seamlessly transferred to the new owner. Contact us to learn more.

Designed to support:

  • Timber Investment Management Organizations (TIMOs)
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Conservation agencies
  • Institutional investors
“Greenline Climate operates with honesty and transparency. For us it’s about doing the work that’s needed for the landowner and doing it well.”

— Sean Canavan, Senior Biometrician